Ammonite Subplanites from Solnhofen area for sale


Subplanites moernsheimense

Cephalopoda, Ammonitida

Jurassic, Malm zeta 3

Moernsheim Formation

Schaudiberg, Muehlheim near Solnhofen, Bavaria, Germany

Availability: In stock


Ammonite Subplanites moernsheimense comes from the Moernsheim Formation of Muehlheim in Bavaria, Germany. Subplanites moernsheimense replaces Subplanites specimen from the slightly older Eichstadt formation below.                                                                                                                                                                                              Ears in front entrance are complete. The fossil has an clear fixative (Tiefengrund) applied to make the colorless fossil more visible. It is a common procedure in the area and done by professional preperation.

This  Ammonite Subplanites from Solnhofen area is 10 cm or 4 ” in diameter.

Plate is 10,5 x 7 inch.

Additional information

Weight 1.588 kg
Dimensions 10 × 20 × 5.5 cm


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