Asaphellus Trilobite fossil for sale from Moroccan Ordovician


Asaphellus sp.

Phylum: Arthropoda; Class: Trilobita

Order Asaphida; Family: Asaphidae

Lower Ordovician; Floian Stage, Fezouata Formation

Zagora area, Morocco

They measure about 2″ or 5 cm from Cephalon(head) to Pygidium(tail).

Availability: In stock


Asaphellus Trilobite fossil for sale from the Ordovician of the Moroccan Sahara Desert. The Asaphiscus in front has a glued crack through the thorax left to right. The second Trilobite has a small crack through the tip of the Pygidium. The fossil has been found by breaking the rock against the layers and finding the Trilobite in the cross section.

The Fezouata Formation is deposited at a time, when Africa and South America where connected. Their back then Position was under the back then Southpole. The fossils of the Fezouata Formation are usualy covered with a dust of Pyrite (leading to brown coloration) or tin minerals (leading to a red coloration). This is a similarity to the cambrian Chengjang Shale in China. Another similarity exists in the composition of taxa to the cambrian Burgess shale of Canada.

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Additional information

Weight 0.490 kg
Dimensions 17.5 × 16 × 6 cm


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