Holzmaden fossil Dactylioceras commune


Dactylioceras commune, Eleganticeras elegantulum

Cephalopoda, Ammonitida

Jurassic, Lias epsilon 2, Oelschiefer, Posidoniashale

Ohmden near Holzmaden, Baden Wuertemberg, Germany

Availability: In stock


This plate with the Ammonite Dactylioceras commune is for sale and comes from the upper layers of the Kromer quarry in Ohmden near Holzmaden. The rock formation they come from is called Oelschiefer or also Posidoniashale. The quarries in the area have been quarried for oil, which gave the name to the Oelschiefer. After the production became uneconomically the quarries stopped producing. Now the Kromer quarry is the only one that still produces a valuable work stone. Oelschiefer is also called Posidoniashale in other areas, due to the occurrence of clams. These clams where earlier considered belonging to the genus Posidonia. Like on any other fossil from the Oelschiefer the primer Capaplex is applied on larger Ammonites. It is done in the professional preparation process.

The larger Ammonite Dactylioceras commune measures about 5 cm or 2 inches. Among many smaller Dactylioceras Ammonites is also a Eleganticeras elegantulum Ammonite and clams Innoceramus dubius present.

The Dactylioceras commune occurs in the Lias epsilon 2 and 3. Eleganticeras  and innoceramus in Lias 2.

Information about fossils from Holzmaden can be found for example here:


Additional information

Weight 0.950 kg
Dimensions 26 × 20 × 6 cm


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