Ammonite Hildoceras sublevinsoni (13 cm or 5,1 “)


Hildoceras sublevisoni

Cephalopoda, Ammonitida

Jurassic, Lias epsilon 3

Oelschiefer, Posidoniashale

Ohmden near Holzmaden, Baden Wuertemberg, Germany

Availability: In stock


This Ammonite Hildoceras sublevinsoni  comes from the lower part of the Kromer quarry in Ohmden near Holzmaden. These layers are called Oelschiefer, also Posidoniashale and  belong to the Jurassic Lias epsylon 3. The Oelschiefer is called Oelschiefer , because it was used to produce oil. That however is not economical anymore and is also not environment friendly. Therefore Oelschiefer is not used for oil production anymore. This Ammonite Hildoceras sublevinsoni and other Ammonites are byproducts of valuable stone production, for which only the layers of rock directly underneath the Ammonite banks gets quarried. The also quarried Ammonites are collected, dried and prepared for the fossil trade. The last and only producing quarry is the Kromer family quarry in Ohmden near Holzmaden. All fossils from the Holzmaden Shale have the primer Capaplex applied. This is done in the professional preparation process. The Ammonite is 13 cm or 5.1″.

Information about fossils from Holzmaden can be found for example here:

Additional information

Weight 1.475 kg
Dimensions 30 × 28 × 6.5 cm


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