fossil Seastar Geocoma carinata from Solnhofen


Geocoma carinata


Lithostratigraphy: Upper Jurassic, Tithonium, Weissjura Group, Painten Formation, Zandt Subformation,        Malm zeta 1+2

Biostratigraphy: Hybonotum Zone, Riedense subzone, eigeltense horizon

Zandt , Bavaria, Germany,

Availability: In stock


The fossil Seastar Geocoma for sale here is 1.75 ” or 4,5 cm in diameter. It belongs to the specimen Geocoma carinata.

Sinosura and also Geocoma are Seastars that occur more in the outskirts of the Solnhofen area in quarries like Zandt or around Hienheim  and Ried. Due to closure of the quarries they become more rare today. Sinosura is known from the quarry in Hienheim. Geocoma is a Seastar  from the quarry in Zandt and also rare in Langenaltheim. That is due to the different geological age of these quarries.

The specimen of the fossil Seastar Geocoma for sale here is 1.75 ” or 4,5 cm. It shows a lot of detail.

For more information on Geocoma and other fossils, you can go to or click here : and write the german name for Seastars = “Seesterne” under search(“Suche”). If you want a english translation it would be better to google Solnhofen Fossilienatls and choose “translate this page” in Google already.

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Additional information

Weight 0.38 kg
Dimensions 28 × 24 × 3 cm


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