Fossil shrimp Hefriga from Solnhofen


Hefriga sorrata

Decapoda, Caridea

Jurassic, Malm zeta 2

Solnhofer Plattenkalk

Eichstaedt, Bavaria, Germany



Availability: In stock


Fossil shrimp Hefriga for sale. Hefriga is one of the more rare occuring fossils in the Solnhofen Limestone quarries.

A beautiful piece of rock with algae like Dendrites surrounding the shrimp.  Therefore it looks like it is swimming in the ocean.

Dendrites are caused by manganoxyde and ironoxydhydrate that infiltrated the limestones trough cracks.

For more information on Hefriga and other fossils from Solnhofen, you can go to or click here : and write the german name for Crustaceans = “Krebse” under Suche (search). If you want a english translation it would be better to google Solnhofen Fossilienatls and choose “translate this page” in Google already.

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Additional information

Weight 2.28 kg
Dimensions 31 × 28 × 6 cm


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