Strigoceras truellei Ammonite from France


Strigoceras truellei

class: Cephalopoda; order: Ammonitida;

superfamily: Haploceratoidea; family: Strigoceratidae

Middle Jurassic, Upper Bajocian, parkinsonii zone

Evrecy, Calvados Department, France

size: 12 cm or 4.75 inches in diameter

Availability: In stock


Good size Strigoceras truellei Ammonite from France for sale. The Ammonite is about 12 cm or 4.75 inches in diameter. It suggests it is a female macroconch. Nicely some of the characteristic limestone is left. The fragile characteristic keel is almost intact maybe a quarter is missing. The entrance of the housing shows some inner structure.

Strigoceras truellei is a Ammonite with a oxycon shape, meaning somewhat flat elliptical shape. It has a good visible keel. The center is narrow and doesn’t show any of the inner windings. Ribs are straight to slightly forward. There are some circular fine lines and some more showing circular strucrures on the outside of the shell, that follow the growth of the Ammonite conch.

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Additional information

Weight 0.69 kg
Dimensions 20 × 14.5 × 7 cm


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